Confidence: Your Greatest Job Search Tool
For many job seekers, discussing their strengths and expertise is not something that comes naturally. If others describe you as “too modest,” or you are uncomfortable highlighting your successes, achievements, and unique qualities, keep reading. I’ve got several suggestions for presenting yourself to potential employers in a way that feels authentic and comfortable. To start, … Read more

The Job Search Can Take an Emotional Toll
It’s no secret that job searches and career transitions can be challenging and time-consuming, as well as emotionally draining. Read on for some facts and tips to help you overcome the frustration, loneliness, and self-doubt that can arise during the employment search. FACT: You are not alone! Although it can surely feel like it sometimes, … Read more

Career Transitions are Like Jigsaw Puzzles
Career transition can be a lot like a jigsaw puzzle – but not in the way you might think. My husband and I were doing an intricate 1,000-piece puzzle the other day. I was focusing on finding similarly designed pieces and making them fit, while my husband effortlessly connected those sections to each other and … Read more

What Would You Do Attempt to do if You Couldn’t Fail?
I purchased this paperweight at a yard sale many years ago, and I’ve kept it on my desk ever since. What an impact one question can make! What does this question mean to you? Does it give you a sense of hope and excitement for the future? Does it remind you of how fear may … Read more

A Tale of Two Gardens
A Tale of Two Gardens I have a very small garden outside my front door that became drab, depressing and dried out after a very rainy and windy winter. The “Before” photo show a pretty drab and depressing sight. But if you look closely, you can still see green shutes and other signs of life … Read more

Returnship Programs: Helping Individuals Reenter the Workforce after a Career Break
I’m pleased to share the following article that I wrote for the June issue of the Career Experts Group’s newsletter, “Your Career, Your Future.” To read the entire newsletter, click here. The job market is still hot, with many employers scrambling to fill positions vacated during The Great Resignation. But the outlook is more challenging … Read more

Better Together: Introducing the Career Experts Group
If you’ve ever wished you could have all the career tips, trends, and advice you need in one place, this newsletter is for you! Each month, you’ll receive the latest information on hot career topics and trends, including accessing the hidden job market, creating your personal brand, and writing a winning LinkedIn profile. And that’s … Read more

It’s a New Year: Time for a New Job, or a New Attitude?
Happy New Year! The word “new” is so exciting and inspiring, isn’t it? It’s a fresh start, a chance to try something different – and maybe even a little bit daring. For many job seekers, the New Year can be a wake-up call to start a new career. For others, it’s about figuring out how … Read more

Autumn: A Time for Career Self-Reflection
Autumn symbolizes beginnings and renewal, whether it’s the start of a new academic semester, a celebration of the Jewish New Year, or the welcoming of crisper temperatures. The fall season can also be a great time to energize your job search. While many job seekers spend time reworking their resume or updating their LinkedIn page, … Read more

Job Hunting: Thriller, Suspense, or Nightmare?
Ghosting: Candidates and hiring managers alike have been guilty of suddenly cutting off communication during the interview process. Employers may ignore candidates after one or more interviews, leaving candidates in limbo. Conversely, candidates may not show up to scheduled interviews — or even not show up for their first day. None of this is acceptable … Read more